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December was the month of treat making! With lots of christmas parties, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I mainly made no bake treats because it saves time and they can keep longer! Some of my go-to no bake recipes are tiger butter, no bake butterscotch marshmallow bars, and turtle oreo pretzel bites. The second photo – I shared a starbuck’s gift card with my instagram community and it was SO FUN giving back to you guys and treating you to a drink on me! A lot of you sent pictures of your drinks to me, and it was a fun day giving back! Follow me on instagram here!
Ryan and I went to our city’s candlelight walk. It was chilly, but nice to walk hand in hand and share hot cocoa. The second photo – I invited my neighbor girls over for a christmas baking session! They are really into cupcakes – we all had a lot of fun decorating together!
First photo is a behind the scenes photo from this letterboard picture (second photo). I usually take these pictures when Ryan is a work so it requires a lot of set up and getting the camera just right and on self timer. I really enjoy sharing letterboard photos with you guys!
We kept our Christmas decor really simple this year. We mainly decorated with garland and Ryan bought a cute little narwhal from Target. I’ll be investing in some more garland next year! The second photo – a shot of our messy kitchen during a baking/photography session! Usually all the counter space is covered!
I helped to organized a cookie reception for our entire church following the kid’s christmas program. Thankfully we ordered cookies so I didn’t have to make 400 of them, but it was fun to decorate and come up with a fun way to display the cookies!
I also catered another church christmas party with tons of gluten free goodies!
We went to christmas movie trivia for Ryan’s birthday with our friends Steph & Neil! We didn’t come close to winning, but I learned a lot of absurd christmas movie trivia that is extremely pointless and specific! The second photo – I did another huge cookie tin gifting this year. This time I filled the tins with 9 different variety of pretzel bites. Friends, neighbors, the garbage man, UPS guys, and the mailman all got some!
I also did the same thing for our life group christmas party! I started this last year, where I bake/make extra dessert to everyone at the party can fill a cookie tin and give it to a friend/neighbor/coworker. It’s really fun!
We spent Christmas with our families in Minnesota. We packed a lot in during the 2.5 days we were there. Here are some pictures with Ryan’s family. We played the saran wrap ball game with them where you put a present in the center of a saran wrap ball, and you have to wear oven mitts to unwrap the ball. It was a lot of fun!
We also played a lot of Exploding Kittens with Ryan’s family – one of our favorite games! The second photo – we created a investigative scavenger hunt for Ryan’s parents as their christmas present. We hid clues around the house that led them to the final clue – a 4 course interactive dinner & detective show!
Photos from Christmas Day with my family. Lots of people and caos, but lots of fun! We also introduced the saran wrap game to my family. We ran out of saran wrap so I wrapped the outer layers of the ball with press n seal wrap, which was way too challenging – I don’t recommend it, but we still had a lot of fun!
It’s a tradition in my family to make gingerbread houses, and something I LOVE doing! This year I made a little christmas village!
After Ryan and I returned back home, we spent several days relaxing and doing zero work. Unfortunately Ryan was sick for most of the time off, but we were able to squeeze in some gluten free cinnamon roll making plus we completed one puzzle and started a second!
Here are the letter board posts I shared on my instagram this month!
See the rest of our out of the kitchen posts.